Thursday, November 26, 2009

Popping need not apply.

Don't worry, I'm still here!

I'm just in this bubble.

I'll explain what the bubble is later.

p.s. Don't freak, I'm not in an ACTUAL bubble. It's a metaphor. Kinda.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No one gives a crap about my new shoes.

Blogging is like riding a bike and

Oh, hey!
That was 5 hours ago.
Blogging is not like riding a bike at all. That was a horrible analogy and a horrible way to start a blog because I was desperate for a clever intro.

You never forget how to ride a bike. I am almost 88% positive that I've forgotten how to blog. But I'm gonna fix that because when I don't share my ridiculous pieces of insight with you lovelies I feel like there's a gaping hole in my heart and in the bubble consisting of my creativity.

But there's just one problem.
I lied. There's a bunch of problems but this is the most significant one.

I still feel like I have nothing interesting to say. So I'm going to go to a default subject which is MOVIES. Here's my list and I'll even include the trailers because I love you.

1. Whip It
I don't think I even need to explain why this is numero uno. Just watch and understand. Please.
2. Love Happens
I'm a sucker for a good love story. And this has the word love in the title which is like, bonus points.
3. Where the Wild Things Are
My first literary love. I even downloaded the song featured in the movie called "All is Love" by Karen O on itunes.
4. Zombieland
How could you NOT want to see this movie.
5. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Okay yeah I get that it's a movie for tots, but FOOD IS FALLING FROM THE SKY.

And of course you know by now that I want to see New Moon more than all of these movies put together and I'm counting how many days are left until November 20th (52. I think.) but I figured I would give my obsessive behavior a rest.

It's so complicated when people invite you to go see a movie that you really really really want to see. And I know that that probably made no sense, but think about it.

When you go see a movie you know you'll love, you want the experience to be perfect. Perfect seats, perfect snacks, perfect outfit even though you're sitting in the dark and no one gives a crap about your new shoes.

But what if someone wants to sit way up in the ridiculously far away seats and you want to sit closer and then they try to eat your snacks and maybe even step on your new shoes when they get up during A REALLY GOOD PART to go to the bathroom?

This is a serious issue, people.

What an awkward way to end a blog.


Even more awkward, I know.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A lazy blogger's list.

I've been spending my time:

1. Fulfilling required and excruciatingly boring hours of school work.
2. Watching the beautiful and magnificent new New Moon trailer and never getting sick of the way the butterflies in my stomach go psycho every time Edward is shown.
3. Playing an unhealthy amount of the Sims 2.
4. Being scolded by my mom for playing an unhealthy amount of said game. She's only looking out for me, after all.
5. Talking on the phone with friends from my old school until I find myself waking up and realizing that it's morning and I'm in my clothes from yesterday and my neck hurts and my phone is mysteriously wedged under my thigh and I love run-on sentences.

and completely neglecting you guys.
I am so

Seriously. I don't even have the energy to make up some witty anecdotal excuse.

Tomorrow is the day I bring you an actual blog. Promise.

So tomorrow.
It's a date.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I want to experience the feelings that I had today over and over again.

But then again, there were some feelings that I never want to come face to face with for the rest of time.

Today was amazing.

But complicated.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Not so sneaky.

A tidbit of a conversation I just had with my mom:

Me: It's a good thing you finally bought me more honey, this way I won't have to fix my sugar cravings by drinking your vanilla coffee creamer.

Mom: You drink my coffee creamer while I'm at work?

Me: What?

Mom: ...

Me: No.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Intoxicated Pirates.

I got harassed by a drunk pirate tonight, and I'm totally not joking, and you're probably really confused. So let's start from the beginning like we always do.

My mom has this best friend who always wears her hair in a french twist and cusses like a sailor, and tonight she took my mom and I out to this gorgeous seafood restaurant overlooking the harbor.

It was absolutely enchanting. I had the best coconut shrimp and rice pilaf I will ever have, and loved every second of being able to see the twinkling city lights in the distance.

So after we left my now favorite restaurant, we decided to walk along the pier because we all agreed that we looked too cute NOT to walk along the pier.

And we wanted to scope out the rich guy situation.

And can I just say that there were SO many yachts. So many yacht parties. So many people smelling like cigarettes and beer.

So anyway, to the point. And I know you're probably relieved because this is the soonest I've ever gotten to a point. We walked by a restaurant entitled "Jolly Rogers" (classy, right?) and as soon as we did out came a group of people dressed as pirates.

"Arr!" Growled the tallest of the bunch, who was obviously intoxicated. "We be lovin' the Jolly Rogers!"

My mom and her friend burst out laughing, and I just kind of smiled and nodded at the pirates. I've always liked the idea of pirates, even intoxicated ones. Because all pirates are alcoholics. They can't help it.


Anyway, a shorter pirate with his arm slung around a fellow female pirate's shoulders pointed a wobbly finger at me and said "Yarr! We do, we do! But you wenches be dressed funny!"

I don't know which insult was worse, the fact that he called me a wench or the fact that he didn't like my outfit. But my mom's friend quickly thought of a reply faster than I could due to her lack of speech filter and said, quite loudly "Well your hat looks like you need to feed it!"

And it DID look like an animal. It was a bunch of huge feathers clumped together and looked like some kind of shaggy creature. But continuing on with my love of pirates I said "Yeah, but I kinda like it," with a shrugged shoulder.

But the pirates didn't care about my optimism regarding their fashion, they just stumbled over to a nearby sweet shop and probably proceeded to infuriate the poor employee working there that night. I still feel bad for whoever they are.

And then this next part has to be one of the most exciting things to happen to me EVER. I saw this guy who happens to be Kai Kalama who happens to have been on AMERICAN IDOL.

I know you think I'm crazy and that I imagined it, but I stand firm in my belief that I didn't. Here's why:

1. He sang "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" and made the crowd clap on the show, and that's one of my favorite oldie songs EVER, and I don't forget someone who is able to sing so well that the audience is actually in sync with their clapping. Even if he did only make it to the first round.
2. I just looked up his information because I'm a celebrity obsessed stalker, and I found out he lives in SAN CLEMENTE. Which is like 5 MINUTES AWAY FROM THE CITY I WAS IN. And therefore the city he was also in.

So of course it was him.

I realized it was him just as he was walking away after talking to a crowd of friends, and after I had done about five double takes to make sure it was him so that I wouldn't get teased about it later if it wasn't him, I tugged at my mom's friend's shirt sleeve and whispered "I think that guy was on American Idol!"

But it took her awhile to hear this as she was so engrossed in a conversation with my mom, and when she finally did pay attention to what I was saying she pretty much shouted "WHO? WHERE? REALLY?" which was followed by a round of shushing from me.

Just as she caught a glimpse of him, he was already too far away to chase down, and when my mom's friend desperately asked me his name so that she could obnoxiously yell it out in the hope that he would turn around and we could have an experience that would later result in stories about how we actually TALKED to someone from American Idol, I couldn't remember. Not even the first letter. I went blank.

But I know it was him. No one has hair like that.

And on our way back to the car we saw another group of pirates, a different group from before, and one of the guys even yelled out "Look, Wenches!"

What is with this wench stuff.

It kind of makes me lose a little bit of love for pirates.


Actually, no. That's not possible.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long lost curls.


One thing you have to understand about me is that I NEVER HAVE CURLS.

Since I was about 5.

When I was 3-5 years old I had a head of huge ringlets. And they literally looked like they had been perfectly perfected for hours with a curling iron when I had actually just woken up that way.

But then when I turned 5 years old they all just fell out.

And I was left with very unpredictable, very frustrating, and very frizzy waves.

Not pretty waves.

And I had to live my life quite miserably like that until I discovered the miracle that is the straightening iron when I was 12. And since then, it's been sleek all the time and every time.

Until yesterday.

I was long overdue for a haircut and beginning to look kind of like a stringy hippie, so my mom took me to the cousin of one of the women she works with, who works at a super chic salon.

The kind of hair salon you walk into and instantly think your outfit is all wrong because everyone in there looks so much better than you.

And can I just say, the process was AMAZING.

She literally asked me stuff about my hair the whole time.

How do I like my bangs, do I want the back more layered, do I want her to cut it so that I have more body, what kind of shampoo do I use because this shampoo would be so much better, do I want her to cut it like this so that when I style it it'll look like this, do I want her to part it how I usually do, and then, the question that changed my life:

Do you want your curls to go out, or in?

I honestly thought that I had heard her wrong.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, adjusting the cape thing around my neck because it practically had me in a chokehold.

She just smiled knowingly, like so many people before me were oblivious to their curl preference also. "Do you want them to go in near your face, or away from it?"

"You can do that?" I asked, aghast.

She nodded as she plugged in the giant curling iron.

"You mean, you can do that with my hair?"

She nodded and smiled again. Looking back on this, she probably thought there was something wrong with me or that the part of my brain that stored hair related information went slower than the rest.

And so, after blissful half hour full of hair dryers and seemingly porcupine-esque looking brushes and big curling irons and mango scented spritzing spray, I was transformed.

I can't even describe what she did or how she did it, but somehow my hair came out looking like this.

But with my face, of course. And my color hair. And my curls were more ringlets instead of loose waves like in the picture.

She had told me while she was cutting my hair that my layers would be like Kim Kardashian's, hence my inspiration to show you that photo, and that when they were straight they would be soft, flowy layers. And then she showed me a way to make my hair straight WITHOUT USING A STRAIGHTENING IRON and instead using a lot of the porcupine brush and hair dryer.

So I sit here, my curls still intact but a little bit looser than yesterday, thoroughly happy with my hair.

I can't wait until I have to style it on my own like this.

And I don't mean that sarcastically.

I really, honestly, can't wait.